
We all come into contact with those people who can ruin a good mood in seconds. They are just mean spirited, rude, uncompassionate, self-serving and self-absorbed. Some of us tend to hold in our frustration or anger, which is very unhealthy as this can lead to anxiety and stress problems which do affect our health. A friend of mine informed me of how she deals with situations like this, she journals! She explained that it has helped her so much.

If you have a situation, argument, event, etc that you would like discussed please email me through the blog…. No names will be used, strictly confidential....

Saturday, March 30, 2013

More Narcs?!?!

Lately been doing lots of thinking… about relationships and putting boundaries in them… With Easter this weekend, was thinking maybe a good time to put up another blog…

Relationships are fragile things.  We build on them for years, give them time and energy that can’t be given back.  We put that out there with the trust that the other person will reciprocate the same respect back.  You can spend years on a single person, making memories, forming trust, and deeper relationships.  Friendships or with a significant other.

Then one day you notice things, you see things a little differently.  You see that you put in more to your relationships then the other parties.  You give 110% and get maybe 40% back if that.  You start to wonder if something is up, what is going on?  Why does this other person not appreciate and value this relationship any longer?

Then you realize that regardless of what is going on with the others person and how they are treating you, 50% of that is your fault.  You have allowed this treatment over time, you have allowed them to abuse your relationship.  You see that there is a need for boundaries… you find this hard to do simply because you are used to always being there 24/7 no matter yet.  Yet you realize that it is not healthy for you to do so, especially when that is not appreciated. 

“People treat you how you allow them to treat you…” –Unknown  

This quote stands out, you decide it’s time to finally to put up some boundaries, to stand up for yourself.  To do what it takes to make yourself happy!  You feel great about this decision, thinking that things will change…

However, they do change… just not the way you thought.  Once you put up the healthy boundaries, you notice that this relationships fall about, or are no longer there no more, or have changed.  Which makes you feel worse…

You start to wonder why people do these things?  How can they let this happen?  Wasn’t this an important relationship to them too?  How dumb were you to fall for that crap and put up with it for so long? 

Yet for some reason you can’t help but be hurt, you can’t help but want to fall back into your usual pattern, to apologize just to end the “problems” even when  you know it’s not your fault.

When you try to discuss things with these people, fights break out.  They tend to gaslight, to try and twist things and make it seem like you’re the one in the wrong and they are the victims of this situation when in fact, THEY caused the problems, they refuse to see this, they refuse to acknowledge that they could possibly be in the wrong, that they could possibly be the horrible half of the relationship.   They see you as the one in the wrong, how DARE you change?!  How DARE you stand up for yourself? 

They will then turn around, and play the victim in the situation to everyone, trying to put everyone on their side... 

This is what we call a classic narcissist.  You are confused and hurt because you were just stuck in a circle of crap spewed by them.
Since research narcissists I never realized how many are actually out there!!!  This is shocking, upsetting, and scary to think about.  Statistics show that 1 in every 3 people is a narcissist.  How freaky is that!?

Here are some classic traits of narcissists in a relationship:

Everything is fine as long as you do what they want, the second you develop a mind of your own, all hell breaks loose…
They don’t consider your feelings, in a group of people you’re the least important, even if it’s your event, it has to happen their way
They let others influence their time, opinions, etc with other friends
They tend to flock together, they like to build a following
They are always “too busy”
They make plans then leave them for something/someone else
They don’t answer your calls, everything is on THEIR time
They are always the victim, they can never be wrong, it’s always you
The only thing that matters is them and their following, if your not in it, well you don’t matter
When they are upset with you, they replace you, knowing it hurts  you, they don’t care
They care only about what makes them happy
They don’t go out of their way to help others
They always have an excuse
When confronted, they will try to twist the situation and make excuses instead of accepting responsibility (then they play the victim...)

The list can go on and on… pretty much to sum it up, a narcissist is only conserved about them and their little following, as long as it benefits them, they are selfish, and self-serving…  They don’t make time for you, they replace you easily, they let others influence their other relationships, and don’t take others feelings into account.  The biggest of all, is they don’t see what they are doing, when things are brought to their attention, they gaslight, they try to twist it and make it your fault some how, they make excuses, they refuse to accept responsibility in simply saying “oops I messed up, my bad”… the second you stand up for yourself, your out… the relationship is over…

I know this seems kinda down and glum for the Easter weekend… however, the reason I posted this is because I have seen a lot of this lately, and being in a negative relationship, especially one with a Narcissists is hard, and can hurt you deeply, can take a lot to get over, and that is only ONCE you realize what is going on.  Most people don’t know they are in a revolving door with a narc.  An emotional predator…   those that suck the life out of you, self-serving, selfish, self-centered…

I have been sucked into relationship with narcs a few times, and it amazes me how I can still be tricked by it, how it can keep happening, and it’s important to note that each narc is different…  Yet it still don’t hurt less… it’s hard to remember that your not the problem, they are.  

I have some pretty awesome true friends though.  They are there for me when I need them, they always
have my back.  They appreciate the relationship as much as I do…  Such a nice breath of fresh air!  To be considered, valued, appreciated, included, your feelings cared about, there when you need them, treats you with respect…  and most important are loyal, stand by my side, encourage me… I love you guys, I really really do… don’t ever doubt that… 

I know I'm not perfect, and I know I can down right crabby at times, but I thank you all for stickin by me, because your awesome :D 

SO... my question for this blog is:  
Why can't I seem to let go?  Why do I let the actions of those influence my feelings and mood so much?  Why do I care?