
We all come into contact with those people who can ruin a good mood in seconds. They are just mean spirited, rude, uncompassionate, self-serving and self-absorbed. Some of us tend to hold in our frustration or anger, which is very unhealthy as this can lead to anxiety and stress problems which do affect our health. A friend of mine informed me of how she deals with situations like this, she journals! She explained that it has helped her so much.

If you have a situation, argument, event, etc that you would like discussed please email me through the blog…. No names will be used, strictly confidential....

Friday, April 12, 2013


So…  I’ve been thinking of what my next blog should be, and I keep seeing things that stand out…

FAKES!  That is the topic of this blog…

There are various types of fake people, each are equally emotionally draining…

The first I will talk about is the basic narcissist, emotional predator, they are fake friends, they drain you… use you, don’t care about you… they are mean and rude to you.  And the second you start to put
in a healthy boundary for yourself, and say “NO” they can’t handle it, that’s when you realize you were taken advantage of, used, and lied to the whole time…  They can’t handle it!  So they either treat you like crap, or stop talking to you.  And “WHY” I ask?  Because they weren’t really true friends to begin with.  Once this happens, you start to realize, wow… no wonder they don’t have any other friends, no wonder they can’t keep friends, why didn’t I see this?  Remember, YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME!!!  They are at fault, not you… they couldn’t see the good person you are, and they weren’t worth it!!! 

The second I’m going to talk about is the “fake friend” they are borderline narcs, they are great to be around, you can make plans with, go hang out with, have fun with, however ONLY when it is beneficial to them.  You come in last, your feelings don’t matter.  If you make plans?  They will change them and if you can’t make it, tuff!  Even if it’s an event YOU planned. They will cancel last minute, and give some bullshit excuse as to “family” or something so if you get mad they can turn it around on you.  What the heck man?!  Again, you hardly realize this tell it’s too late, and by then the damage is done, your hurt, and confused… you don’t understand why they would treat you like this?  Fortunately this isn’t you, this is THEM…  their problem, they’re not loyal, honest, or truthful….  They are selfish and self-absorbed… NOT worth it!

Third would be the attention getters… OH my gosh, this frustrates me so bad.  They are the ones who
post every detail of their days on facebook, or tell you over and over, looking for attention.  They talk about how much harder things are for them, how they have to struggle, how they have it sooooo bad.  Come on, we all know that type…  They will post about the SAME stuff over and over, just to get attention.  When you just want to scream at them WE GET IT!!! GET OVER IT!!!  But you wont, because that would hurt their feelings.  Because simply they have no life, they want to grasp at any attention they can get in any way.  When in reality, they have a really sad and boring life, and will do anything to get any form of attention they can.  When in reality, they are lazy, they have time just don’t do anything.  They are social whores, they fly around the sites, making as many friends as they can and live in this little world that isn’t true, they’ll like almost anything, and just literally attach themselves like leaches to people they want to live through.

Fourth is fake people in general.  They have separate lives, they try to act like something they aren’t, they want to “lie to kick it” think if they embellish their lives.  When if they would just realize people like them how they are, no need to act like this! 

What do these all have in common?  They are all forms of emotional predators, they take their toll on us, they drain us… they sap our energy for dealing with it, and seeing it.  There is something missing in their lives, that have to behave in ways like these…

How to handle this?  You can do a few things actually.  You can put up healthy boundaries, you can try to talk to them, however depending on the person, you might not be able to.  Because any time you try to (even when they ARE at fault) they will try to turn the situation around and make you look like the bad guy, they can’t accept they were in the wrong and apologize.  However, talking to them might be the best option.  If it causes a problem, then how good of friends were they to being with right??? Another thing you could do is nothing, just keep dealing with it, with the awareness that something is wrong with them and not you.  OR finally you can just bounce out, not even deal with it.  But this is serious, you need to understand that something is mentally wrong with them, something in their life is missing, which causes them to behave this way.

Remember this: Friendship is accepting the good with the bad, no one is perfect…
However : everyone does have their limits…  you just need to figure yours out…